Saturday, October 31, 2015

Green Bay on Film

I used to be big into disposable cameras, of course in 8th grade because that was the only option, but then later in college when I was chasing that retro look. This was before I knew about filter apps like hipstamatic, instagram, and VSCO. As recently as 2011 I was able to take a disposable camera to the drug store and in an hour come back to pick up a disk of images for under 10 bucks. I started getting the film itch again, so I swung by a drugstore to grab a camera...

Things have changed since I last used a disposable camera! First of all, the camera was way more than a remembered it being. Secondly, when going to get it developed I checked several places before realizing that it's hard to find a place that has 1 hour film development! It's all send out now (not in-house photo labs)! And like the camera itself, developing the film was way pricier than I remembered.

Would I do it again? No. Only about half of the photos turned out (I forgot that you should always use a flash on a disposable camera, even when it seems like it should catch light). But it did remind me of the intentionality you need when using film (you only get a few shots, so make it count). Here are some fun ones! Photo credit to Kamry!

Light reflector
Kamry and I went o opening night at Backstage at the Meyer to see the band Friends&Family and the Oh Hellos. Very cool Green Bay!

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